How about tasting a Nice Cream full of freshness? 😋
Nice Cream you know? Instant ice cream without an ice cream maker, light, vegan, easy to prepare, the "nice cream" has it all.
Here is our recipe!
- 2 bananas
- 2 mangoes
- 1 brick of coconut milk (200ml)
- 2 tablespoons of almond puree
- Chocolate coated almonds Elsy snacks
- Cut 2 bananas & 1.5 mangoes into not too big pieces.
- Place them in the freezer for at least 8 hours.
- Once the fruits are frozen, put them in the blender add the coconut milk + 1 case of almond puree.
- Mix until you obtain a homogeneous preparation.
- Pour into bowls and add the rest of the mango cut into pieces with the Elsy snacks chocolate almonds!
Super refreshing, super greedy, can't wait to hear your opinions!
Photo @envydesaveurs